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Choose a website with support of designer and dev to focus on growing!

We offer fast and modern websites with CMS

  1. Your website is build and refined with a year of testing and stat analysis.
  2. Every aspect in designing your new website will be carefully carried by experienced professional.
  3. Subscribtion contains tech and art support in day to day administration and expansion of your website.
Peaceful evolution

Peaceful evolution

Are you expanding your business and it requires constant tweaks and improvements to your web presence? If you are interested in steady growth this option may be just for you.

You will get a tool to create, publish and modify content on a website using layouts crafted for you by designer.

During subscription CMS will be fitted and refined for your business and challanges it meets.

  1. How fast will I have a starting page?

    • 7 days

  2. How long subscription lasts? 
    • 12 months

  3. How long warranty lasts after subscription ends? 
    • 1 year

Quick start and expansion

Quick start and expansion

Do you need a jump start from the begining to create and promote your business? Do you have a lot of knowledge to present from start? 

You will get a sales tool which contains functions of Content Management System and Client Relation Mananager. With a lot of custom reports.

If you are expanding your sales and your shop will be managed by multiple users — consider this option.

  1. How fast will I have a starting page?

    • 48 hours 

  2. How long subscription lasts? 
    • 12 months

  3. How long warranty lasts after subscription ends? 
    • 2 years

Unique values

  • Humanism and design

    • Contrary to auto generated websites, we provide compositions designed by human and according to our arragements. You have our support from first ideas, logo design, setting up website and promo campaigns.
  • Art and Tech Support 

    • We provide a constant flow of designs for your website, business and other online presence, eg.: illustrations, banners, photography, icons, social media covers. It depends on your master plan.
  • Inspiration

    • We will monitor your website and provide you with our insights about improving it. We have over 20 years of experience in web solutions, design and photography — and we are pleased to share it with you.
  • Independence 

    • CMS is a web tool designed to allow you to easly create, publish, edit and delete content on your new custom made website.

Which subscription is right for You?

Main advantage of creating our own custom engine for websites is that we can release updates with new functions for every active subscription. Our product is alive because each new modification or extension is a direct result of consultations and use-cases. 

  • Peaceful evolution
    OPTION 1

    • website

    • cms

    • art and tech support

    • star­t seo

  • Peaceful shop evolution
    OPTION 2

    • website

    • cms

    • art and tech support

    • star­t seo

    • on-line shop

  • Quick start, expansion and promo
    OPTION 3

    • website

    • cms

    • art and tech support

    • star­t seo

    • on-line shop

    • advanced seo

    • lan­ding page campaigns

  • Quick start and Custom CMS
    OPTION 4

    • web portal

    • custom cms

    • art and tech support

    • star­t seo

    • on-line shop

    • advanced seo

    • lan­ding pages campaigns


Interested in a website with a support of a designer and devs? Drop your email, we will contact you with offer.

Consider writing down few words about your expectation, timeframe and ideas — it will greatly shorten time needed to make an offer.


We pro­vi­de advan­ced mini­ma­lism for smo­oth communication.

Instagram • LinkedIn • Behance

2010 – 2023 © J&J MEDIA HOUSE SP ZOO 



Better web


